Syllabus and Schedule

AAEP 1600 Art and Music since 1945

220 SUllivant Hall
11:10AM to 12:30pm
Clayton Funk, Supervisor
Spring 2025
Find Your Instructor

Dog Mural by Bik Ismo


This course is designed to introduce the visual and musical forms of art in American culture. We discuss art and music in the context of popular culture, so chances are you will see relationships between art and music and what you are learning and the way you live. In this way, you might end up thinking about visual and musical forms differently than in other classes. Mostly, we want to connect them to your own experience.

Things You Need

Textbook: There is no book to buy for the course. This course is taught with a free, open website that links to many art and music sources on the Internet, which contain biographies, video, and image galleries.

When you go to the learning management system we call "Carmen," you will be one click away from everything you need to do, divided into weekly modules.
Carmen is located at:

The Department of Art Administration, Education & Policy Statement on Teaching

In line with OSU’s Shared Values, the Department of Art Administration, Education & Policy (AAEP) understands that diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility are essential foundations of humanity and our excellence as a university community. A core goal of AAEP is to empower students to function as critically engaged citizens with and through the arts, in ways that improve the well-being of our local, state, national, and global communities. We also strive to foster social change and uphold equal rights through innovative teaching and learning in the arts and the creative economy. The Department has an important role to play in finding concrete ways to intervene and help to create the conditions for acts of social justice that confront varying oppressive systems. We commit to creating a brave and welcoming environment for all students, faculty, and staff. We dedicate ourselves to opening up sustained dialogue about social injustices, inequity, and power, which expands student perspectives, develops empathy and critical thinking, and supports resilience. We expect students to thoughtfully and respectfully engage in the course materials and ideas presented therein.

Technology Policies

  1. AAEP 1600 is a mostly paperless course. The syllabus and all assignments are online and you will submit your assignments online, as well.
  2. Each student is responsible for operating reliable and compatible computers and software.
  3. Each student is responsible for a reliable Internet connection.
  4. Each student is responsible to check and double-check that files upload successfully.
  5. Because assignments can be graded ONLY in the Carmen you must upload your work there, even if it is late. We cannot not grade assignments sent by email or any other way without instruction to do so.
  6. Students experiencing any technical difficulties should alert their instructor immediately by email.
  7. Students who do not own a computer can find one at OSU libraries and the University computer labs. Students at remote locations should check with their public library systems.

General Education Goals and Expected Learning Outcomes


Successful students will analyze, interpret and evaluate major forms of human thought, cultures and expression, and demonstrate capacities for aesthetic and culturally informed understanding.

Successful students will experience the arts and reflect on that experience critically and creatively.

Expected Learning Outcomes

Successful students are able to:
1.1 Analyze and interpret significant works of visual, spatial, literary and/or performing arts and design.
1.2 Describe and explain how cultures identify, evaluate, shape and value works of literature, art and design.
1.3 Evaluate how artistic ideas influence and shape human beliefs and the interactions between the arts and human perceptions and behavior.
1.4 Evaluate social and ethical implications in literature, visual and performing arts, and design.
2.1 Engage in informed observation and/or active participation within the visual, spatial, literary, or performing arts and design.
2.2 Critically reflect on and share their own experience of observing or engaging in the visual, spatial, literary, or performing arts and design.

Legacy Gen Ed - Visual and Performing Arts Objectives

Students evaluate significant works of art in order to develop capacities for aesthetic and historical response and judgment; interpretation and evaluation; critical listening, reading, seeing, thinking, and writing; and experiencing the arts and reflecting on that experience.

Expected Learning Outcomes

  1. Students analyze, appreciate, and interpret significant works of art.
  2. Students engage in informed observation and/or active participation in a discipline within the visual, spatial, and performing arts.

Course Specific Learning Outcomes

  1. Students develop searching skills for locating visual and musical forms in their community and online.
  2. Students understand the impacts of mass industry and communications upon the community in relation to gender, race, and ethnicity.

Course Assignments and Policies

Core Assignments (for all sections)


Most Weekly Modules in Carmen contain Lecture video clips and links to one of 13 Readings. To start, view the video clips and then go to the short overview chapter in the Guidebook, (see A Quick and Dirty Guide to Art, Music, and Culture. Click "Guidebook."). Each chapter in the guidebook links you to a set of readings and media to study. You may refer to this material anytime during quizzes.


Your goal for the Art worksheet is to select an art work and analyize it and recording your responses on the worksheet.

  1. You may select a work online to review for your Art Worksheet. Online image galleries are linked to each artist biography page you read for this class, in the "Learn More ..." section of each page. Another source is MuralArts Philadelphia ( with many great public murals by street artists.
  2. You must choose a work created after 1945. Most exhibits display the date of creation. It doesn't matter if the work is a drawing, painting, sculpture, performance art, or mixed media, so long as it was made after 1945.


For this assignment, you are to see a film this semester and complete the Film Worksheet. You will need to expand on the skills you learned doing the Art Worksheet to consider sound, moving images, and other aspects of film. Here are the rules for this assignment:

  1. The film you select must be one that you view personally. You must see a film in a theater this semester. We want you to go to a theater so you experience the effects of the sound and moving images in the environment it for which it was designed. The experience is not the same when a film is shown on television, DVD, nor even a cutting edge five-channel home system.
  2. Usually we require you to see a film in a theater, but since the pandemic has made theater access limited, You may view a film online.
  3. We want you to tell about your ritual of viewing a film. Who are you with, with friends, or on a date? What is the audience like and how did it influence what you got from the film? Answering these questions helps us understand your responses to the film and how the social ritual of movie-going brings meaning to your life — or not.
  4. In order to connect cultural and social ideas we discuss, you should choose a film that has enough substance to write analytically about. It will help you to look at reviews as you choose your film.
  5. Before you see the film, look over the Film Worksheet so you know what to look for as you view the movie. You probably won't take notes during the film, but you will be surprised at how much you will recall about the film afterward.

Discussions (for online classes)

In an online class your participation in Online Discussions is important, because its a chance to interact with and learn from each other. Discussions and online activities covering contemporary topics will be a collaborative part of this course.

It is important to remember that a discussion is an exchange, not a one-time posting. The best learning from each other comes from conversation online, and that is what we want from you, to post your thoughts AND respond thoughtfully (and respectfully) to each other. Unless a particular discussion specifies otherwise, we will follow this schedule:

  1. Discussions span two weeks. In the first week of the discussion, write an initial post (a thread) and in the second week of the discussion respond to at least 7 of the threads from the previous week.
  2. In the first week of the discussion, you have seven days, until Sunday night (11:59) to start your thread for your eight points. Threads that are 1 to seven days late get only three points, and NO points if more than seven days late.
  3. In the second week of the discussion respond to threads by other members of your group. You must respond to at least seven threads available to get your full eight points for the week.
  4. Think of your responses as brief but substantial comments like you might do in Facebook. Responses that are one to seven days late get only three points, and NO points if more than seven days late.
  5. If you cannot be online for the week, please notify your instructor by email.
  6. If you cannot be online due to illness, please provide a doctor's note to excuse your absence from the discussions.
  7. College athletes away for a game should give advanced notice for an excused absence.


To help integrate ideas in the course quizzes cover each chapter of your reading.

REMEMBER... If you have technical problems with Carmen or your computer while a quiz is in progress, you must tell us about the disruption within seven days after it occurs.

  1. If you cannot be present online for the week, we expect you to notify the instructor by email.
  2. If you cannot be online due to illness, please provide a doctor's note to excuse your absence.
  3. College athletes away for a game should give advanced notice for an excused absence.

Participation and Attendance Policies for Lecture

The format of this class is known as a hybrid course. That means some of the work is in class and some online, so there are policies to follow for both lecture and online course work.


  1. Be in class and be on time.
  2. If you need to leave class early, please ask permission before class.
  3. If you cannot attend a lecture for any reason, pleas email your instructor ahead of time so we can arrange make up work.
  4. If you are a college athlete and will be away for a game, please notify us in advance for an excused absence.


  1. You must be present online. In discussions, reading and posting are important. We track participation &emdash; logins, logoffs, and where you go in the course. This information keeps us from second-guessing each other and it helps solve technical problems.
  2. If you cannot be present online for the week, we expect you to notify the professor by email.
  3. If you cannot be online due to illness, please provide a doctor's note to excuse your absence.
  4. College athletes away for a game should give advanced notice for an excused absence.

Technology Policies

Students in this course are responsible for operating reliable computers and using a reliable Internet Service provider, according to the following policies.

  1. Each student is responsible for operating reliable and compatible computers and software.
  2. Each student is responsible for a reliable Internet connection.
  3. Each student is responsible to check and double-check that files upload successfully.
  4. Because assignments can be graded ONLY in the "Dropbox," you must submit your assignments there, even if it is late. We will not grade assignments submitted to instructors by email or any other way without instruction to do so.
  5. Students experiencing any technical difficulties should alert instructor immediately by email.

For students who do not own a computer, OSU libraries and the University computer labs make them availble. Students at remote locations should check with their public library systems.

Grading Policy

Your performance in Art Education 1600 is measured by how many points you earn. Think of this system as a bank account in which you start with a "zero" balance and earn points across the semester.

Because we sometimes have students taking the course online in different time zones, All deadlines in AAEP 1600 have a 12 hour grace period, but late deductions will apply after those twelve hours.

Late Paper Policy

Point Rubric for Online Classes

In online classes, students participate in discussions, while Lecture students attend lectures.

Tasks and Activities Point Value
13 Quizzes for 7 pts ea. 91 pts
Six Online Discussions at 16 points ea. 96 pts
Art Worksheet 100 pts
Film Worksheet 100 pts
On-time Submission of Art Worksheet 6 pts
On-time Submission of Film Worksheet 7 pts

Point Rubric for Lecture Class

Tasks and Activities Point Value
14 Lecture Quizzes at 14 pts ea. 196 pts
Art Worksheet 100 pts
Film Worksheet 100 pts
On-time Submission of Art Worksheet 2 pts
On-time Submission of Film Worksheet 2 pts

OSU Standard Grade Scale

OSU Percentage ScaleLETTER GRADE
93% - 100% A
90% - 93% A-
87% - 90%B+
83% - 87%B
80% - 83%B-
77% - 80%C+
73% - 77%C
70% - 73%C-
67% - 70%D+
60% - 76%D
0% E

Students with Disabilities

Ohio State University Student Life Disability Services (SLDS) notifies instructors of students who have been given accommodations for any reported disapbility. Disability accomodations are evaluated by SLDS and if they determine that you are entitled to special accommodations of any kind, they provide instructors and students with the necessary paperwork. This must be the letter from SLDS that specifies the accommodations available to you. You are not entitled to special accommodations or grading considerations unless you work through SLDS.


Some of the topics covered in class and in our textbook can be controversial and may deal with images or words that some individuals find offensive and such material is covered in class and in the textbook. Because such images and language are part of contemporary culture and part of your everyday lives in some way, please remember that we ask you to consider and reconsider these ideas; but we will never require you to like them.

The Ohio State University
The Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy
1813 North High Street
231 Sullivant Hall, 2nd Floor
Columbus Ohio 43210, USA
Tel: 614-292-7183

Code of Conduct

Academic Code of Conduct

We are pleased that you signed up for AE1600 and we look forward to getting to know you. It is important to note some important responsibilities. Our Academic Code of Conduct applies to all Art Ed 1600 and 1600D students, whether in-person or online. We want you to have all the information you need to succeed this quarter. Please take a few moments to read our expectations for academic conduct. We assume that all students are honest and to discover otherwise would be a serious disappointment.

The written, audio and visual material in this course is for your use, and only your use, during the quarter. That material may not be reproduced (other than that which downloads automatically) or printed without the express permission of your instructor. To do otherwise is a violation of federal copyright law and may result in severe legal penalties.

Art Ed 1600 offers unique opportunities for independent learning. And, while you will explore the materials and assignments on your own, we hope that you'll participate often in discussions. When it comes to assignments or tests we require that you do your own work.

Please be aware that all email communications between student and instructor will be conducted through your OSU email address only. This is for your protection and there are no exceptions to this policy. If you must use another email provider, then we assume that you will forward your OSU email to another account. This usually works smoothly, and instructors do not have to keep more than one email address per student.

Plagiarism of any kind (from another student, from a printed source, from a web site, etc.) is dishonest. All material taken from sources (including content from the 1600D site) must be properly identified. If you are unsure about how to document a source, please ask! If you are tempted to plagiarize, you should know that the penalties are severe and could result in failure in the course or suspension from the university. We have methods of detecting such practices, so be honest and do your own work. If you use material from another source, and do not identify the source, you will automatically be charged with academic misconduct.

Finally, we are available to assist you with your concerns or questions as they arise. If you are unclear about any of our expectations or policies, please do not hesitate to email your instructor. Our goal is to help you get the information you need to make your learning experience this quarter enjoyable and memorable!

Title IX

Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender are Civil Rights offenses subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories (e.g., race). If you or someone you know has been sexually harassed or assaulted, you may find the appropriate resources at or by contacting the Ohio State Title IX Coordinator, Kellie Brennan, at


Some of the topics covered in class and in our textbook can be controversial and may deal with images or words that some individuals find offensive and such material is covered in lectures and the course materials. Because such images and language are part of contemporary culture and part of your everyday lives in some way, please remember that we ask you to consider and reconsider these ideas; but we will never require you to like them.

Religious Accommodations

Our inclusive environment allows for religious expression. Students requesting accommodations based on faith, religious or a spiritual belief system in regard to examinations, other academic requirements or absences, are required to provide the instructor with written notice of specific dates for which the student requests alternative accommodations at the earliest possible date. For more information about religious accommodations at Ohio State, visit


The Ohio State University affirms the importance and value of diversity in the student body. Our programs and curricula reflect our multicultural society and global economy and seek to provide opportunities for students to learn more about persons who are different from them. We are committed to maintaining a community that recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among each member of our community; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential. Discrimination against any individual based upon protected status, which is defined as age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status, is prohibited.

The Ohio State University
The Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy
1813 North High Street
231 Sullivant Hall, 2nd Floor
Columbus Ohio 43210, USA
Tel: 614-292-7183

AAEP 1600: Lecture Calendar

Select tabs on the right to view by the month or week.

Select "Print" icon to display printable calendar.